About us: We’re a super friendly, Manitoba based company, Who use the best quality Canadian ingredients to make the most flavourful mustards in the world and this is our story.

Aha moment: Following her Red Seal Training, Carly realises that mustard is the most flexible ingredient in a chef’s kitchen. But mustard blends aren’t used much by home cooks. The idea of Smak Dab is born.

Our first Christmas: We begin testing mustard blend recipes and sending the (delicious) results as seasonal gifts.

We hit the shelves: Our first two (and still very popular) flavours grace stores in Manitoba.

Growing up: As Smak Dab expands it’s all hands on deck (including the grandparents).

And the winner is…: Our first-ever award is for our Canadian Maple Mustard—Silver Medal at the Great Manitoba Food Fight.

Makeover time: Our first (but not last) rebrand keeps the Smak Dab style fresh.

Heading west: Smak Dab is getting into stores across Western Canada—starting at the Root Cellar in Victoria—and including Sobeys.

OMG! We’re on TV: CTV National news report ‘Queen of Canadian Condiments,’ by Jill Macyshon, airs.

Spread the love: Smak Dab founder Carly gets married on… National Mustard Day! (Totally by accident!)

Importance of partnerships: We love our retailers, so we especially cherish being awarded Best Overall Supply Partner by Sobeys.

Awww: We welcome the littlest team member to Smak Dab!

Awesome: Our favourite employee turns 90. Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

Smak Dab turns 9: From handmade labels tied on with string and market stalls, we’re now a national brand. Officially found in over 250 retail locations across Canada!

Standing up for our values: Following our introduction of price transparency and support for No Waste November, Smak Dab takes a stance against food insecurity. We pledge to donate a proportion of revenue in support of this cause.

Never stop innovating: We launch our new flavour Hot & Sweet Dill Mustard. And have another best-seller on our hands.

The next chapter: After a deep-dive brand strategy, fresh packaging and totally original website design, we’re here! Welcome to the new Smak Dab!